Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Queen Bees Wannabes Analysis - 1713 Words

Queen Bees Wannabes Author: Rosalind Wiseman SHERRIE HALE Infancy and Childhood Tuesday/Thursday 1100 am December 8, 2016 Queen Bees Wannabes is an excellent self-help source for the parent, grandparent, teacher, therapist or anyone else having a part in helping to guide girls anywhere from preteen to early adulthood. Ms. Wiseman very accurately describes labels, roles, parenting types and conversations and shares this information in a sometimes comical, but to me, always interesting manner. The first chapter is dedicated primarily to cliques and popularity. There are many different roles to be played in a clique. The Queen Bee is the highest on this list of roles. Her popularity depends on fear and control over the other girls as well as boys. The lowest role on the list is the Target. This girl is the one who is usually singled out, made fun of, left out or humiliated. Sometimes the target is someone in the clique and become the target due to standing up to someone higher up in the roles or sometimes they are someone from outside the clique who challenged them in some way. Other ro les are names such as Sidekick, who is the Queen Bee’s closest ally and pretending to be sincere. This gives her power because she could leak anything about anyone at any time. The Floater, who is not just in one group or clique, but is part of more than one and is liked more for who she truly is and not for her social status. Her self-esteem is higher as well probably because sheShow MoreRelatedFemale Writers : Mean Girls ( Tina Fey ) And Clueless ( Amy Heckerling ) Essay1497 Words   |  6 Pageswomen?; Do they talk to each other?; About something other than a man?† (Kusina, 2015). It is very clear that all of the movies about teenaged girl cliques are passing the Bechdel Test based on these three questions. It would improve the feminist analysis of film if there were to be a proposition to adding one more question to the Bechdel Test. When watching films that have a female dominated cast, a fourth question could be; â€Å"Are the women talking about each other?â €  It would be interesting to see

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